Healthy Halloween Hacks

Healthy Halloween Hacks

No doubt about it, Halloween has well and truly taken off here in the Southern Hemisphere.

Rooted in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain, Halloween originally began as a way to scare off ghosts and spirits before morphing into the candy laden festival of witches and wizards we know today!

We’re down with dressing up and getting into the spirit (HA! Geddit?) of things but we know some parents find the amount of sugary treats on offer a little overwhelming. (Especially if you spend a bit of time trying to teach your sprogs about a balanced, healthy diet!).

As always, Remedy’s here to help with some healthy Halloween hacks! We’re not total buzz killers though, we know it’s fun to trick and/or treat so we’re all about making small tweaks and balanced choices…here’s our hot tips to making it through Halloween without the sugar crash ‘n’ burn!

Focus on the fun as well as the food!

Spend time talking with your kids about the origins and history of Halloween. Enjoy workshopping the costume possibilities and house decorations rather than the sweets and lollies on offer. One of the beauties of Halloween is the chance for children to wander around their neighbourhood after hours and get to know their community. Why not make this the focus rather than all the sugary loot?!

Eat something healthy before heading out

Have an early dinner before heading out. Filling up with something wholesome and healthy will help minimise the temptation of gorging on lollies.

Healthier handouts

Consider gifting popcorn, fruit kebabs, cheese-sticks or small packets of sultanas or raisins instead of sugary sweets. You could even go for ‘on theme’ mini-cans of Remedy Switchel Blood Orange. They’re the perfect treat without the sweet and just the right size for little hands!

Nix food treats altogether

There’s no hard and fast rule regarding what you hand out to the kids in your neighbourhood and you can bet your bottom dollar some parents will be relieved to see some non-food treats in the trick or treat stash their little ones bring home. Try spooky Halloween themed stickers, bubbles, novelty erasers or even glow sticks to hand out on the night.

There you go – four healthy hacks that’ll have you saying ‘BOO’ to sugar this Halloween!